Free neurodiversity training for people working with offenders

The Brain Charity’s criminal justice system neurodiversity training is free to all working with offenders or those likely to offend across Liverpool City Region

The Brain Charity has been commissioned by the Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership to provide free neurodiversity training to organisations across Merseyside who work with offenders or with people at risk of becoming offenders.

The aim of the course is to raise awareness of neurodiversity in the criminal justice system, its impact on service delivery and how improvements can be made.

The Brain Charity’s Another Sign report, released last year, found repeat offending could be reduced if there was better training around neurodivergent conditions within the criminal justice system.

Who is this criminal justice system neurodiversity training for?

This training is suitable for anyone who comes into contact with offenders in their line of work, and is delivered by The Brain Charity’s criminal justice team.

This includes staff working within the criminal justice system (such as within police forces, prisons, courts and the probation service) and anyone else who may work or volunteer with offenders such as housing association, drug and alcohol support service, NHS, public, third and private sector staff.

*6% confirmed they did not understand the information given

What is covered in our neurodiversity training for those working in the criminal justice system?

We can provide general awareness training, operational hints and tips for front line staff or strategic level training depending on the roles of the staff members or volunteers attending.

Topics covered include:

  • What is neurodiversity, and what is the difference between a neurological condition and a mental health condition.
  • Spotting the signs of neurological conditions in offenders – common presentations and how to support neurodivergent individuals.
  • The physical environment: modifications and solutions.

By the end of our training, you will have:

  • Improved knowledge of the range of neurological conditions in existence, and the way these may present at each point of contact.
  • A better understanding of how to best manage and support neurodivergent people within your service.
  • A higher level of understanding of how to address barriers and make simple adjustments to create a safer environment for staff and service users.

All courses last three hours (including break times) and are run in an interactive workshop format which caters to different learning styles. We encourage participants to share their own lived and professional experiences to promote collaborative approaches and problem-solving.

Training at The Brain Charity in Liverpool

Attendee numbers

We advise between 10 and 20 attendees to ensure everyone gets the best out of the session, but are happy to be flexible.

Neurodiversity training locations

Training can be held at your place of work, in our fully-accessible Liverpool centre or online via video call.

Book your free neurodiversity training for people working with offenders now

To book your free training or find out more, complete the form below and someone from our Another Sign project will be in touch.

Alternatively, if you have any questions you can email, or call Sophia Cotter from the Another Sign team on 07888 312706.

This Liverpool City Region-wide training has been commissioned by the Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership.

If you are based outside Merseyside, we will still be able to facilitate the training for a fee (click here to view our main neurodiversity training rates card) so please get in touch via the contact details above.

If you are looking for general workplace neurodiversity training not relating to the criminal justice system, please click here.